Synthetic Auxin Resistance
Globally, the most important synthetic auxin resistant weeds are Kochia, Wild Radish, Corn Poppy, and Wild Mustard. Synthetic auxin resistance in two other species, Tall Waterhemp and Common Lambsquarters, are not widespread yet, but have the potential to become serious problems in the United States if they are not managed properly.
The Synthetic Auxin Working Group has created a series of fact sheets on these important synthetic auxin resistant weeds. Visit our Fact Sheets page for more information.
Recently, the Synthetic Auxin Working Group published an article reporting on the outcomes of the synthetic auxin resistance symposium convened at the 2nd Global Herbicide Resistance Challenge meeting in Denver, CO in May 2017 that was sponsored by Global HRAC. You may download the article here: Weed resistance to synthetic auxin herbicides.